AP's, miscellaneous, and Hezseltine's farewell - January 2016
President Carlson having fun with his first set of Assistants -
The next set of Assistants to the President are Elder Wight who joined Elder Verdoni
A view of the ruins of the Ducor Hotel, a luxury hotel from years back,
before its demise during the civil wars. (The highest point in Monrovia.)
A gardner cleans ups fallen palm tree fronds - he even sweeps with them.
Goodbye party for Elder & Sister Hezseltine (complete with silly gifts)
Elder & Sister Allen, Ryan & Shannon Busby, and Elder and Sister Wollenzien all enjoying the last party with the Hezseltine's. (The Busby's are a members who live here, where he works with Chevron. They entertain us and help us with many things. Both are returned missionaries.)
Elder & Sister Allen, Elder & Sister Hezseltine, and President & Sister Carlson
The Hezseltine's leaving their apartment for the last time - and they're off.
These two were on a mission here while it was still part of the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission (about early 2013). They helped open the Liberia Monrovia Mission, and finished their service about a week before the Mission closed due to the Ebola outbreak (about August 2014). They agreed to come back for a time to help us reopen the mission. They were invaluable! We love all our couples.
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